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Expert Witness and IME Spine Surgeon

For Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, and Product Liability Cases Nationwide

Dr. John C. Nordt provides services to attorneys and insurance companies across the country in litigation on medical malpractice, personal injury and product liability claims. Led by Board-Certified Dr. Nordt, he provides expert witness testimony, litigation support and independent medical examinations (IMEs) nationwide.

Qualified by Courts Across the Country to Testify as an Expert Witness

Dr. Nordt is a practicing physician and spine surgeon with over 40 years of experience serving parties in litigation as an expert witness. He has been retained as an expert hundreds of times by both plaintiff and defense counsel. He has been qualified by multiple courts to testify as an expert and has provided testimony in court and arbitration proceedings, including participation in over 500 depositions.
Spine Center Miami provides expert opinions on a number of issues in a variety of cases, including especially:
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Unnecessary Spine Surgery
  • Wrongful Death

A Leading Authority on Unnecessary Spine Surgery

Dr. Nordt’s particular niche is identifying unnecessary spinal surgery. He has been featured on this topic and has even published a video docuseries call License to Harm on YouTube. This expertise applies to medical malpractice cases involving spinal surgery as well as product liability cases involving spinal instrumentation. Dr. Nordt is certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and served as Past President for the Florida Orthopedic Society.

Unbiased Opinions Based on the Evidence at Hand and Years of Experience in the Field

The role of an expert witness in litigation is to provide unbiased opinions to guide the jury in reaching conclusions on important factual issues. Because Dr. Nordt is considered an expert, he provides evidence-based opinions consistent with the facts of the case. Because of Dr. Nordt’s decade of experience, you’ll know you’ve got an opinion you can rely on.
In addition to his skills and experience as a spine surgeon, Dr. Nordt commands a strong presence when testifying in front of a jury, giving a video deposition, or being deposed by opposing counsel. Dr. Nordt frequently delivers a strong, water-tight report that shuts down the prospect of a trial, but if your case does proceed to trial, you know you can rely on Dr. Nordt to deliver professional and polished testimony on the witness stand.

Independent Medical Examinations to Guide Coverage and Treatment Decisions

Dr. Nordt contracts with workers’ compensation insurance carriers and liability insurance companies to provide independent medical examinations (IMEs) in the processing of workers’ comp claims or first-party insurance claims and third-party personal injury lawsuits. He personally conducts a thorough review of records and a personal physical examination to help the carrier understand issues such as the cause of injury, the extent of injury, clinical status and prognosis.

Physician Peer Review Services to Improve Quality of Care and Patient Safety

The scope of services offered by Dr. Nordt includes physician peer review to guide determinations of the quality of care rendered, standard of care, clinical quality, medical necessity and other issues. Your board can count on Dr. Nordt to base its review on evidence-based medicine in medical malpractice claims, professional misconduct allegations and other situations where peer review is helpful in the pursuit of improving quality of care and patient safety.

Call Dr. Nordt at Spine Center of Miami for Help With Expert Testimony, Ime and Peer Review Nationwide

Insurance companies, workers’ compensation carriers, attorneys and nurses who work with law firms around the country trust Dr. Nordt to provide them with expert advice and opinions they can rely on when making coverage decisions, formulating case strategy and proceeding with litigation in the discovery phase and at trial. To learn more about engaging Dr. Nordt to help you with your personal injury, product liability or medical malpractice case, call 305-662-2851, or fill out our online contact form to have our office get in touch with you.

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